Legal Notice

Solo Inter services and products are distributed by Solo Inter SOLUTIONS, SAS with a capital of 1,784,366.00 euros, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register (RCS) under the SIREN number 534 479 589, having its registered office at 14 avenue de l'Opera, 75001 Paris.

  • VAT number: FR 67 534 479 589.
  • Contact:
  • Director of publication: Mr. Cyril Chiche, president of Solo Inter SOLUTIONS.

Solo Inter websites and web services are hosted by OCTOPUCE SARL, 25 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris ( on the servers of Iliad datacenters located in the Paris region as well as by GOOGLE CLOUD FRANCE SARL, 8 rue de Londres, 75009 Paris ( on the servers of Google Cloud data centers located in Belgium. Solo Inter websites and web services are subject to French law.

Solo Inter SOLUTIONS is registered under the REGAFI identifier N°62677 by the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority (ACPR) as a payment service provider agent (Articles L.523-1 and following of the Monetary and Financial Code). ACPR head office: 4 place de Budapest, 75009 PARIS cedex 9

As part of its activities, Solo Inter SOLUTIONS is mandated as a payment service provider agent by four partners:

  • For the management of the electronic money and payment account, the execution of payment transactions and the supply of payment cards: the SFPMEI (SASU), electronic money institution, approved by the ACPR under the identifier REGAFI N °91091 and bank code CIB N°17448, whose registered office is located at 15 rue Laborde, 75008 Paris, registered with the Paris RCS under number 890 111 890;
  • For the provision of payment initiation and account information services: BUDGET INSIGHT (SAS), payment institution approved by the ACPR (REGAFI identifier N°73921, bank code CIB N°16948), whose head office company is located at 86 rue de Paris, 91400 Orsay, and registered with the Paris RCS under number 749 867 2006;
  • For the supply of payment cards, IBANs and associated account management and payment operations: TREEZOR (SAS), electronic money institution approved by the ACPR (REGAFI identifier N°63 512, bank code CIB N°16 798) whose registered office is located at 41 rue de Prony, 75017 Paris, registered with the Nanterre RCS under number 807 465 059.
  • For the provision of payment initiation and account information services: TINK AB, a payment institution approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen, bank code CIB N° 44059) and whose registered office is located at Vasagatan, 11, 11120 Stockholm and registered with the EBR (European Business Register) under No. 5 568 982 192.

Solo Inter Solutions is also registered with the Organization for the Single Register of Intermediaries in Insurance, Banking and Finance (ORIAS) under number 18 007 465 as:

  • Intermediary in crowdfunding (IFP) for donation operations;
  • Non-exclusive agent in banking and payment service operations (MOBSP) for the company FLOA (registration N°07 028 160, SIREN N°434 130 423) and the company YOUNITED CREDIT (registration N°11 061 269, SIREN n° 517 586 376) for the supply of the “Small express loan” offer (payment facilities and consumer loans);
  • Insurance intermediary agent for the company YOUNITED CREDIT (registration No. 11 061 269, SIREN No. 517 586 376) for the provision of the "Small express loan" offer;
  • Insurance agent for CNP CAUTION (SIREN No. 383 024 098);
  • Intermediary representative in banking operations and payment services (MIOBSP) for the company CASHBEE (registration N°838 801 058, SIREN N°19 002 094) for the supply of the remunerated savings account MY MONEY BANK.
  • These legal notices may be modified at any time, without notice, by Solo Inter SOLUTIONS according to the evolution of its legal status.